YBM glue Ying - YES Tab, TTE, Muna and Futuna private Ying mouth glue departure appYing mouth glue departure app service OPEN!Now it enables the student attendance process in the mouth Exit the app without going through the fingerprint reader.* How to use1. Log in to my teacher an administrator username and / or password.2. Select the departure mouth method (username / password, fingerprint number / birthday fingerprint number).3. Students are to enter your information, the entrance, departure process.4. In its entrance, departure information can be confirmed by the manager and the Main Parents SMS, PUSH alarm is sent.* Available terminal1. YBM YES Tab2. YBM-touch Englishtown3. Muna Futuna(Other than the terminal is not running.)* Terms ContactWeb site address: https://www.ybmengloo.com/cus/cus03.aspxEmail:
[email protected] Contact:(Note) Net wayibiem670 Type 2A 8,9 floor space in Bundang, Gyeonggi Great Pangyo